Künstler »Thomas Zerck » Archiv
Mittwoch 31.12.14
21:00 Uhr
Forever 27
<p>„Now he‘s gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club.”</p>
Freitag 26.12.14
20:00 Uhr
Forever 27
<p>„Now he‘s gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club.”</p>
Donnerstag 18.12.14
20:00 Uhr
Forever 27
<p>„Now he‘s gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club.”</p>
Mittwoch 10.12.14
20:00 Uhr
Forever 27
<p>„Now he‘s gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club.”</p>
Samstag 06.12.14
20:00 Uhr
Forever 27
<p>„Now he‘s gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club.”</p>
Freitag 05.12.14
20:00 Uhr
Forever 27
<p>„Now he‘s gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club.”</p>